Use Interchange Financial for cash conversions. You can book the exchange rate for over 70 foreign currencies using this tool or buy foreign currencies online and have it delivered to your home anywhere in Canada with just a few clicks! There are no fees of any kind for cash currency exchanges.
Best Exchange Rates for Cash Conversions in Canada.
Benefits of Our Cash Currency Exchange Service
Best Exchange Rate Guarantee
Our clients typically receive an improvement of 1% – 3% on bank exchange rates, immediately.
BuyBack Protection
we will buy back up to half of your foreign currency bank notes at the original exchange rate you bought them from us.
No Fees
We do not charge any fees whatsoever. What you see is what you get in terms of pricing at Interchange Currency Exchange.
Always Available
No need to order in advance and wait. We are able to conduct transactions in over 70 recognized world currencies.
Can not pickup at one of branches or not in Greater Toronto Area? No Problem!
Buy Foreign Cash Online with Delivery
What our clients say
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417 Reviews
Banks and many other financial institutions provide a variety of services to their clients.
We pride ourselves on being specialists in one area only; forex services.
This specialization and our large volumes enable us to deliver both better services and better rates to our clients on any type of foreign exchange transaction.
Account to Account
If you have US dollar bank account in Canada and are looking to convert in your bank account at better rates than offered by your bank, then this service is for you.
Cash Exchange
We have exchange rates that are much better than the banks and we charge no fees.
Money Transfer
If you are transferring money internationally or receiving money from overseas, we can help you save money as well because of our better exchange rates.
Get in Touch
Get our latest exchange rate quotes from anywhere in Canada.